Friday, April 2, 2010

Round Three

In light of my sudden disinterest in the Final Four, I'm going to keep this one quick here.  I'm loving all the comments from my group of witty friends and family members.  Keep the list going!

Here are a list of things that make me nervous:

1. Arms dangling out car windows. The picture here has nothing to do with that, other than when I google images for "arm out car window," these are the sorts of things I get.

2. Mountaintop removal

3. Hot soup. Images of it flying all over me, that is.
BTW, I made one of my top 5 favorite meals this week, this black bean soup recipe.

4. People who look at my forehead when talking to me

5. Moles
Just kidding.

6. The idea of Duke winning the whole thing

(And one more, because I found this website and because I hate to leave the post on a bad note: 6b. When my dog has seizures.  Isn't this dog named Norman adorable?)
Make your own list here--six things that make you nervous.  I'd love to hear them!


  1. don't worry about those moles, i'll take nice care of you

  2. I thought at first you meant you'd kill the moles in my backyard, but then remembered you're doing plastic surgery this month! You're also welcome to kill the moles in my backyard :)

  3. Norman is cute, but the skin mole is cuter! Put a little smiley face on those suckers and they're just adorable.

  4. Oh, and the black bean soup recipe looks mighty tasty, I'm going to try some next week!

  5. Six things that make me nervous:
    1. paramedics
    2. philanderers
    3. pets
    4. phthalates
    5. pandemonium
    6. participation (mandatory)

  6. Oh aren't you phull of phunny phobias.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.
