Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Round Two

1. Let's start with cheese.  Every conversation with me could be started with the topic of cheese.  In fact,  if you know me, we've probably talked about cheese a lot.  You personally might not be interested in talking about cheese with me, but I won't be able to read that on your face or body language because my passion for it makes me blind to others'  indifference.  Which gives me this thought: if people don't like what you have to say, is that your problem or theirs?  Feel free to discuss.

2.  I went to a new optometrist today who, I'm pleased to say, was actually quite good at helping me resolve my problems with my contacts.  She is not, however, good at making small talk with her patients.  Things I want to talk about with my eye doctor: Is eyeliner bad for my eyes? Things she likes to talk about: the healthcare bill (I can count on being destitute in 5 years), bad things that have happened to people who travel for work (something I love to hear about since THAT'S WHAT I DO) and the level of self-absorption in kids today (no offense taken, lady).

P.S. Another interesting thing about this new doctor's office?  They could figure out my prescription by having me stare at a picture of a tree.  Wah? If anyone can explain, please do.

3. Spoiler alert: for any Lost fans here who haven't watched this week's episode yet, it was AMAZING!  Not that that statement is a "spoiler," but since most of the episodes this second half of the season have been rather meh, you should know that this episode brings some major revelations.  Finally.  The eyeliner guy's acting skills really haven't been highlighted until now. Ricardo on the Canary Islands?  Fabulous.  Just fabulous.    This might be the best episode of any TV show ever in history. Ever.

 4. Speaking of latin cultures (I know that one's a stretch!) this new Brazilian Blowout thing is AMAZING!  And when I say "new," I mean new to the Midwest, and mainly new to me.  It has basically given me permission to do as little as possible while getting ready for work every morning.

5. I'm on the road now for work, as usual, spending yet another night at an average hotel in a (below) average town (sorry, ____field). There's only one sit-down restaurant in town, and it just happens to be a chain diner. I would like to say that my mind was playing tricks on me since I'm grossed out by diners, but I'm pretty sure the closer I got to the bottom of my salad, the more it tasted like dishwater. Dirty dishwater (is there any other kind?). Especially when I got to the bottom and saw that the lettuce was soggy in some yellow-ish liquid. But I kept eating it anyway :) Here are other complaints about traveling for work:
  • Road signs that use incorrect grammar.  What's funny about this sign is that it's official, not just some quickly scribbled note by a construction crew member.  Someone along the way actually had to give this sign a thumbs-up to approve before sending it out to the streets. The other funny thing is that it's in my neighborhood, so it doesn't really count as "things that annoy me while I'm traveling."

  • Being allergic to hotel sheets and having to bring a sleep sack with me.  MAJOR annoying.

  • Creepy pictures of kids in the hotel elevator.  Not only is this an annoyingly obvious attempt by marketing to make me think this hotel brings adorableness, but these two kids clearly do not like each other.


6. There has been a major lull this week with nothing but NIT games to watch. Yawnsville. During this break in NCAA tournament play, I'm guessing because of built-up anticipation and angst, fans of opposing teams who don't like each other are funneling that energy into trash talking on message boards. And I shouldn't even say it's between fans of opposing teams,  since it's also coming from fans whose teams will NEVER play each other again this season. Something every crazy ranter will type at some point is "IMO," which cracks me up because they're saying, "Hey, your team is made up of criminals, but that's just my honest opinion."  Thank you for being so humble!


  1. Annother winning post.
    (Intentionally misspelled for sarcastic effect)

    BTW is oncomming a grammatical error or a spelling error? Is there a difference?

  2. I have no idea who this new person is on the blogHer scene, but I love her already! I'm with her on the cheese thing - I had a work event the other night and actually took about a dozen pictures of the cheese display. We had a lot of great local cheeses, they were just beautiful.

  3. I am on the same page with the cheese comment. I am trying to convince my husband this should be our new "do together" hobby. When we make something eatable will let you know.
    I agree with you on that this is the first good episode of Lost in this last season. Thus far it has felt that they were just spending our time trying to explain away the "red herrings" of the show.

  4. If only I were young and beautiful and had long frizzy hair--I would definitely have a Brazilian blowout-- oh, yeah, if I were rich as well...
    Remember the sign in Harlan's only suburb, Sunshine, at the end of a street that read--"Ded in"? Love it!

  5. Just saw this sign outside my office
    Heavy pedestrian
    traffic entire

  6. And, as we discussed, another great one, "Slow Pedestrian"

  7. Sunshine is Harlan's only suburb? What does that make Baxter, or Loyall?
