I realized that I like the Americanized version of Pho MUCH better after I tried the real thing. Had it not been for a good friend pointing it out to me, I would have mistaken every string of stomach parts as noodles. I just got chills thinking about it again. Ich.
2. Is it just me, or is NASA's Kennedy Space Center a bad location for launching space shuttles? What's the number one reason for launch delays? Rain. Where does it rain 3-4 days out of the week? A peninsula with lots of jet streams and low pressure systems. That was a really technical explanation, wasn't it? I'm too lazy to look up the facts here, but you can trust me :)
3. Census Count--speaking of the KNOWN, this NPR story discusses the number of people who have yet to respond to the census in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn, which they state is made up of young hipsters and older Hasidic Jews. So, you may see my question coming here, but if they know what percentage of citizens haven't responded (50%), and the makeup of said citizens, then can't Brooklyn just send in an IOU for their city? "Dear US Government, please double the population of the forms that were mailed back to you. Thanks, Brooklyn."
4. Pwned--something I did not know. I heard them saying it on TV, like I was supposed to know the meaning.
Then I looked it up and realized the rest of the universe is familiar with this term like yesterday's news. I would have included an image that has the term "pwned" written on it, but most of those are of lolcats, and another cat picture on this blog might give people the wrong impression. Oh, what the heck.
On second thought, maybe that's a puppy? Either way, it's getting pwned!
5. Sexism in advertising--do companies know they're offending me? Do they care?
Do you want me to buy your products? Because I'm a woman and am the one who makes most of the decisions about how to decorate my bathroom and kitchen. Just checking, in case you wanted to advertise to me instead of my husband who probably didn't catch what your commercial was about.
6. Do you ever watch someone rise to stardom and feel like you had something to do with it since you "knew him when?" That's how I feel about Rondo. Except I never really knew him, but loved him from the stands when he played for UK. Still, I'm claiming some credit, mostly because I used to think I liked him more than anyone else did, ever. So I win (if you were trying to compete with me).